New episode every Thursday!

Season 2

Aug. 6, 2020

S. 2 Episode 38- The Farmville Murders

Ashley's discusses the murders of 4 people in Farmville, Virginia and the crazy behavior of the killer for the 3 days that followed. This is our last episode before taking a 2 week break while we prepare for season 3 changes!...

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July 30, 2020

S. 2 Episode 37- Everything Ted Bundy

Kat does a deep dive into Ted Bundy's upbrining, his relationships, his crimes, trial and more in this week's episode! We give updates on the Madeline McCann case, discuss some shows we are watching, drinks we are drinking. C...

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July 23, 2020

S. 2 Episode 36- The Alien Abduction of the Hills'

Ashley discusses the alien abduction of Barney and Betty Hill, an interracial couple from the 60s. Their encounter inspired shows like Close Encounter of the Third Kind, X-Files and Roswell! Join us as we explore the dark sid...

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July 16, 2020

S. 2 Episode 35 -- The Disappearance of Madeleine McCann

Welcome to another episode! Kat does a deep dive over the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. We discuss life, beers, shows and more. Come join us as we explore the dark side of humanity!

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July 9, 2020

S. 2 Episode 34- The Chucky Murder/Murder of Suzanne Capper

Ashley discusses some new beers and talks about the horrific murder of Suzanne Capper, a 16 year old teenager who was tortured over a supposed stolen cut. Tune in to hear why it was dubbed The Chucky Murder. Join us as we exp...

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July 2, 2020

S. 2 Episode 33- George Stinney Jr., the youngest person executed in …

Kat discusses the harrowing story of George Stinney Jr. George Junius Stinney, Jr., was an African American child who was convicted, in a proceeding later vacated as an unfair trial, of murdering two white girls, ages 7 and 1...

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June 25, 2020

S. 2 Episode 32- The Disappearance of Maura Murray

Ashley discusses the insane disappearance of Maura Murray, a 21 year old nursing student. She disappeared without a trace over 16 years ago. The events leading up to her disappearance are bizarre, the accident itself, and eve...

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June 18, 2020

S. 2 Episode 31-- The Brandon Teena Story

In honor of Pride month, Kat tells the Brandon Teena story. His life and death were the subject of the Academy Award-winning 1999 film Boys Don't Cry, which was partially based on the 1998 documentary film The Brandon Teena S...

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June 11, 2020

S. 2 Episode 30- Pine Barrens, the haunted forest

In this episode Ashley talks all about the Pine Barrens forest-- a forest that expands 1.1 million acres in NJ. It's one of the most haunted places in the United States. Full of paranormal activity, ghosts and supernatural cr...

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June 4, 2020

S. 2 Episode 29- Craig Straw and Mike Matranga discuss School Safety,…

Craig Straw and Mike Matranga discuss School Safety, current events and more! We discuss 80's music and movies, current events, their thoughts on preventing school violence, preventing kids from ending up in the judicial syst...

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May 28, 2020

S. 2 Episode 28- The Mad Doctor of Jamaica

Please join us as guest host and super fan Nelle tells us the story about the first prolific serial killer Lewis Hutchinson aka the Mad Doctor of Jamaica! She was born in the same city!! How crazy! Join us as we explore the d...

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May 21, 2020

Guest: Ann Johnson-Former Human Trafficking Prosecutor

Hey guys! We had to skip recording this week due to unforeseen circumstances so here is one of our favorites from when we were on Vinyl Draught.

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May 14, 2020

S. 2 Episode 27-- Project Pegasus and the Time Travel Conspiracy

Ashley discusses Andrew Basiago, Project Pegasus, and other time travel conspiracies, theories and time-traveling machines! Be sure to wear your tinfoil hat when listening!

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May 7, 2020

S. 2 Episode 26-- The Black Eyed Kids

Kat discusses the creepy urban legend of the Black Eyed Kids! Come join us as we explore the dark side of humanity!

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April 30, 2020

S. 2 Episode 25- Guest Jessie discusses the Stone Man and Cynadide Ma…

We have super fan and show supporter Jessie on! She tells two great stories from India. 1. Stoneman 2. Cyanide Mallika!! Join us as we explore the dark side of humanity!

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April 23, 2020

S. 2 Episode 24-- The Exorcisms of Latoya Ammons

Kat covers the exorcism of Latoya Ammons. The house she lived in is said to have 200 demons!! Let us know your thoughts after listening! And if you have a story you want to hear please message us on our Facebook page: faceboo...

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April 16, 2020

S. 2 Episode 23- The Dark Strangler/The Gorilla Killer

Ashley discusses Earle Nelson, the first serial killer in the 20th century. He began his murders before the term serial killer was even a thing and before we were all obsessed with murder documentaries! We are still recording...

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April 9, 2020

S. 2 Episode 22- The ‘Kiss and Kill’ Murder

Sarah joins us this week as Kat discusses the Kiss and Kill murder out of Odessa, TX. Join us as she discusses the killing of Betty Williams. We discuss life in quarantine, what we are watching/doing and what we are drinking....

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April 3, 2020

S2. Episode 21- Dooms Day Cult The Movement of the Restoration of the…

We have a little bit of technical difficulties during this whole recording not in the same studio so please be patient with us. Ashley tells us all about Ugandian dooms day cult The Movement of the Restoration of the Ten Comm...

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March 26, 2020

S. 2 Episode 20-- Matthew Hopkins the Witch Hunter

Kat deep dives into the history of Matthew Hopkins, the man responsible for 300 deaths of people thought to be witches! Tune in to hear how we are surviving the coronavirus, what we're drinking, what we're doing and to learn ...

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March 19, 2020

The Toy Box Killer

In the wake of the coronavirus we are reairing one of our favorite episodes from season 1 when we were on Vinyl Draught. In this episode Ashley covers the sick and twisted story if the Toy Box Killer.

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March 12, 2020

S. 2 Episode 19-- Bachelor's Grove Cemetary

Ashley discusses the haunted graveyard Bachelor's Grove Cemetary. It's said to be one of the most haunted spots in America and definitely one of the most haunted places in Chicago. Give our episode a listen as we explore the ...

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March 5, 2020

S. 2 Episode 18- Clementine Barnabet

Kat tells us all about Clementine Barnabet, hoodoo voodoo and the Church of Sacrifice! Be sure to follow us on our Facebook page: Join us as we explore the dark side of humanity!

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Feb. 27, 2020

S. 2 Episode 17-- Melon Heads and other Urban Legends

Ashley discusses in depth the Melon Heads urban legend, variations of said urban legend and then she tells a few quick urban legends specific to Texas. We also discuss big change coming for the show! Join us as we explore the...

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